Consent to Care
I agree with the following:
- I, nor any of my household have the following symptoms
A high temperature (we may check this on arrival to the clinic)
A new continuous cough or new breathing issues
A loss or change to sense of smell or taste
- I have not been told to self isolate and have not returned from abroad in the last 14 days.
- I've had a chance to ask all the questions I wish to at this time by calling the clinic on 01823 259 813 before attending.
- I understand that Taunton Osteopaths operates with strict hygiene and sanitation protocols to protect patients and staff.
- All staff at the Clinic have had their Coronavirus Vaccinations in an attempt to reduce transmission.
- To date there have been NO CASES of Coronavirus transmission at the Clinic.
- I understand Coronavirus is highly transmissible and although small, there is an unavoidable risk of transmission as a result of attending the clinic.